
Talking about Bodies

Talking about Bodies

Body Parts

Learning about your body parts lets to talk with grown-ups, friends, and family better.  Learning your different body parts also helps you talk with doctors and nurses to make sure you stay healthy. Let’s review body parts you might already know, and also learn some new body parts. 

Being able to talk about all body parts is important! Have you ever been hurt, and you tried to explain where you got hurt, but the other person didn’t understand or thought it might hurt somewhere else? It happens a lot! We learn scientific names for body parts that way we can communicate better with others. Let’s start with the basics.

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Some body parts stay covered up, these are called ‘private’ body parts, or parts that are ‘covered by bathing suits’. Our private body parts cover up our genitals. Do you know the names of your different private parts?

Check your answers.

Check your answers.

Learning these words will help when in the next lessons when we talk about how our body changes during puberty. Let’s move to the next section and learn about puberty.